Java – How to call methods in fragment from adapter Android

How to call methods in fragment from adapter Android… here is a solution to the problem.

How to call methods in fragment from adapter Android


need help, so I have a fragment that has a RecycleView and a button inside the RecycleView.

The clicked button must open the dialog already declared in the base fragment, so I just call openDialog(DIALOG_CHECK);

Now how do I call that dialog on my adapter, I’ve created a method in fragment and call it from the adapter and produce the error “Java lang null pointer”

Here is my code :

DeliveryFragment delivFrag = new DeliveryFragment();
holder.editButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
     public void onClick(View v) {

in fragment

public void doEdit(){


Update your adapter constructor to accept fragment as a parameter.

customAdapter = new CustomAdapter(myContext, android. R.layout.simple_list_item_1, getList, HomeFragment.this);

Adapter class:

public CustomAdapter(Context context, int id, HomeFragment fragment) {
    this.fragment = fragment;

Call adapter:


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