Java – How to filter by a column when it belongs to a composite primary key in Spring

How to filter by a column when it belongs to a composite primary key in Spring… here is a solution to the problem.

How to filter by a column when it belongs to a composite primary key in Spring

There is a DAO like this:


public class BookingObject implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private CompositeId compositePK;
private LocalDate init_date;
private LocalDate end_date;
private int confirmation;
 getters and setters 

and composite primary keys:

public class CompositeId implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String guest;
private String idhousing;
getters and setters

So I can now call findById(new CompositeId(guest, idhousing)) from my @RestController;
The question is: what if I want to filter by one of the columns of the composite primary key, like guest.

I can’t do findByguest because guest no longer exists in my DAO BookingObject. So how can I get “Give me all guest equals… rows”


You can try findByExample

    CompositeId compId= new CompositeId();

BookingObject bookingObj= new BookingObject ();
    Example<BookingObject> bookExample = Example.of(bookingObj);
    List<BookingObject>  objList=repository.findAll(bookExample);

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