Java – How to read a json file and convert it to a POJO using GSON

How to read a json file and convert it to a POJO using GSON… here is a solution to the problem.

How to read a json file and convert it to a POJO using GSON

I need to pass values from a json file to a java class, and a json file is like this example:



needed to map and I did it :

Items i = new Items();

Map<String, Items> mapaNomes = new HashMap<String, Items>();
mapaNomes.put("Apple",i );
mapaNomes.put("Clain Mail",i );

I’m new to android development and I may have forgotten something because the following doesn’t work, can someone help figure out what’s wrong?

BufferedReader in  = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

Gson gson = new Gson(); 
Items Items = gson.fromJson((BufferedReader) mapaNomes, Items.class);


1。 Create your POJO representation for your JSON.

public class MapaNomes() {
    String name;
    String description;

public String getName() {
        return name;

 create your other getters and setters

I found this tool to convert json to POJO conveniently.

2。 Read your file.json. Turn it into an object

JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new FileReader("file.json"));
MapaNomes mapaNomes = new Gson().fromJson(reader, MapaNomes.class);


I think you probably have many json objects in your file.json, for example:


If this is the case, then you can do the following:

JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new FileReader("file.json"));
List<MapaNomes> mapaNomeses = new Gson().fromJson(
                                new TypeToken<List<Review>>() {}.getType());

Then you can do whatever you want with each and every one of them

for (MapaNomes mapaNomes : mapaNomeses) {

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