Java – Karate DSL asserts nested json

Karate DSL asserts nested json… here is a solution to the problem.

Karate DSL asserts nested json

{"serviceName":"Legal Entity account for given input account.","requestTime":1545426348945,"responseTime":1545426348949,"timeTaken":4,"responseCode":0," responseMessage":"Success","pageSize":100,"pageNumber":0,"accounts":{"transferDate":1549429200000,"migrationWave":"5","searchedLEAccount":{"accountNumber":"41477514", "cbdNumber":"12345678","bic":"CHASGBXxX","poolAccount":"Y","sweepMasterAccount":"Y","status":"DORMANT","branchId":"000000071","branchName":"LONDON","leAccountType":" OLD"},"linkedLEAccount":{"accountNumber":"6541245045","cbdNumber":"854321","bic":"CHASLUY","status":"DORMANT","branchId":"000000055","branchName":"S.A","leAccountType ":"NEW"}}}

I’m trying to get all accountNumber and verify if they’re numbers. What am I doing wrong?

When method Post

Then status 200

And match response != null

And match response contains {serviceName: 'Legal Entity account for given input account.' }

And match response.accounts.searchedLEAccount contains { accountNumber: '#notnull' }

And match response.accounts.searchedLEAccount contains { accountNumber: '#present' }

And match response.accounts.searchedLEAccount contains { accountNumber: '#number' }


One line:

* match each $.. accountNumber == '#regex \\d+'

Tip: Read the documentation carefully and understand JSON-Path.

This is a complete example that you can paste into a new scenario and see how it works:

* def response = 
   "serviceName":"Legal Entity account for given input account.",
* match each $.. accountNumber == '#regex \\d+'

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