Java – Pause indefinitely when attempting to insert data into HBase

Pause indefinitely when attempting to insert data into HBase… here is a solution to the problem.

Pause indefinitely when attempting to insert data into HBase

When trying to insert data into HBase, I found that after multiple writes (~100000000), the insert operation just hangs (0 writes per second in the UI). The master and regional servers remain running, and the Java HBase client process appears to be in the active state.

I can only see the following log entries. What could be the reason? How to fix it?


2015-11-17 02:16:52,007 DEBUG [htable-pool279-t1] ipc. AbstractRpcClient: Use SIMPLE authentication for service ClientService, sasl=false
2015-11-17 02:16:52,007 DEBUG [htable-pool279-t1] ipc. AbstractRpcClient: Connecting to<IP>:16020
2015-11-17 02:17:17,966 DEBUG [ProcedureExecutorTimeout] procedure2. ProcedureExecutor$CompletedProcedureCleaner: No completed procedures to cleanup.
2015-11-17 02:17:47,966 DEBUG [ProcedureExecutorTimeout] procedure2. ProcedureExecutor$CompletedProcedureCleaner: No completed procedures to cleanup.
2015-11-17 02:18:17,966 DEBUG [ProcedureExecutorTimeout] procedure2. ProcedureExecutor$CompletedProcedureCleaner: No completed procedures to cleanup.
2015-11-17 02:18:47,966 DEBUG [ProcedureExecutorTimeout] procedure2. ProcedureExecutor$CompletedProcedureCleaner: No completed procedures to cleanup.


2015-11-16T03:26:46.519-0600: [CMS-concurrent-sweep-start]
2015-11-16T03:26:46.519-0600: [CMS-concurrent-sweep: 0.000/0.000 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
2015-11-16T03:26:46.519-0600: [CMS-concurrent-reset-start]
2015-11-16T03:26:46.580-0600: [CMS-concurrent-reset: 0.061/0.062 secs] [Times: user=0.22 sys=0.05, real=0.06 secs]
2015-11-16T03:36:46.351-0600: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2015-11-16T03:36:46.351-0600: [ParNew: 297460K->14971K(309696K), 0.0321644 secs] 297460K->20626K(997824K), 0.0323361 secs] [Times: user=0.18 sys=0.02, real=0.03 secs]
2015-11-16T07:30:46.984-0600: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2015-11-16T07:30:46.984-0600: [ParNew: 290299K->6737K(309696K), 0.0220497 secs] 295954K->12392K(997824K), 0.0222000 secs] [Times: user=0.09 sys=0.01, real=0.02 secs]
2015-11-16T07:56:52.016-0600: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2015-11-16T07:56:52.017-0600: [ParNew: 282065K->7829K(309696K), 0.0071377 secs] 287720K->13484K(997824K), 0.0072568 secs] [Times: user=0.11 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
2015-11-16T08:42:46.946-0600: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2015-11-16T08:42:46.946-0600: [ParNew: 283157K->6516K(309696K), 0.0056529 secs] 288812K->12171K(997824K), 0.0057721 secs] [Times: user=0.08 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]

Regional server .log

2015-11-17 01:24:08,833 INFO  [MemStoreFlusher.1] regionserver. HStore: Added hdfs://, entries=302884, sequenceid=91538227, filesize=31.6 M
2015-11-17 01:24:08,833 INFO  [MemStoreFlusher.1] regionserver. HRegion: Finished memstore flush of ~67.84 MB/71133312, currentsize=0 B/0 for region MYTABLE,,1447717440847.323da4642dc634afdbbc1fef03568a04. in 579ms, sequenceid=91538227, compaction requested=true
2015-11-17 01:24:53,525 INFO  [regionserver/<IP>:16020.logRoller] wal. FSHLog: Rolled WAL /hbase/WALs/,16020,1447666006438/ with entries=126566, filesize=26.02 MB; new WAL /hbase/WALs/,16020,1447666006438/
2015-11-17 01:24:53,526 INFO  [regionserver/<IP>:16020.logRoller] wal. FSHLog: Archiving hdfs://,16020,1447666006438/ to  hdfs://
2015-11-17 01:24:53,527 INFO  [regionserver/] wal. FSHLog: Archiving hdfs://,16020,1447666006438/
ault.1447741493458 to hdfs://
2015-11-17 01:26:47,759 INFO  [LruBlockCacheStatsExecutor] hfile. LruBlockCache: totalSize=7.78 MB, freeSize=6.21 GB, max=6.21 GB, blockCount=10, accesses=1953643, hits=30700, hitRatio=1.57%, , cachingAccesses=30779, cachingHits=30171, cachingHitsRatio=98.02%, evictions=7919, evicted=598, evictedPerRun=0.07551458477973938
2015-11-17 01:31:47,759 INFO  [LruBlockCacheStatsExecutor] hfile. LruBlockCache: totalSize=7.78 MB, freeSize=6.21 GB, max=6.21 GB, blockCount=10, accesses=1953643, hits=30700, hitRatio=1.57%, , cachingAccesses=30779, cachingHits=30171, cachingHitsRatio=98.02%, evictions=7949, evicted=598, evictedPerRun=0.07522958517074585
2015-11-17 01:36:47,759 INFO  [LruBlockCacheStatsExecutor] hfile. LruBlockCache: totalSize=7.78 MB, freeSize=6.21 GB, max=6.21 GB, blockCount=10, accesses=1953643, hits=30700, hitRatio=1.57%, , cachingAccesses=30779, cachingHits=30171, cachingHitsRatio=98.02%, evictions=7979, evicted=598, evictedPerRun=0.07494673877954483

Zone server.out

2015-11-17T00:25:48.005-0600: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2015-11-17T00:25:48.005-0600: [ParNew: 307577K->1134K(309696K), 0.0038813 secs] 1265221K->962084K( 1735184K), 0.0039946 secs] [Times: user=0.06 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
2015-11-17T00:25:49.891-0600: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2015-11-17T00:25:49.891-0600: [ParNew: 276462K->1354K(309696K), 0.0025507 secs] 1237412K->962304K(1735184K), 0.0026612 secs] [Times: user=0.04 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
2015-11-17T00:25:51.727-0600: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2015-11-17T00:25:51.727-0600: [ParNew: 276682K->34368K(309696K), 0.0050290 secs] 1237632K->997653K(1735184K), 0.0051420 secs] [Times: user=0.10 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
2015-11-17T00:25:53.553-0600: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2015-11-17T00:25:53.553-0600: [ParNew: 309696K->1598K(309696K), 0.0040175 secs] 1272981K->966446K(1735184K), 0.0041283 secs] [Times: user=0.07 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
2015-11-17T00:25:55.334-0600: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2015-11-17T00:25:55.334-0600: [ParNew: 276926K->34368K(309696K), 0.0048517 secs]1241774K->1001404K(1735184K), 0.0049688 secs] [Times: user=0.10 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]


It seems that the problem has nothing to do with good old HBase. The horrible and unexplained pause when inserting data was because I used opencsv CSVReader to read a CSV file > 5GB in the insert code. (The problem is similar to opencsv-not-reading-my-entire-file.) )。 I just changed the insert code to read the file using BufferedReader and the delay is gone!

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