Java – Phoenix does not display negative integer values correctly

Phoenix does not display negative integer values correctly… here is a solution to the problem.

Phoenix does not display negative integer values correctly

I’m creating an HBASE table with a value of -17678. But when I got it back from pheonix, it gave me different positive values. RowKey is a composite rowkey, and there is no problem with rowkey.

Hbase insert:

public class test
public static void main(String args[])
        Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create();

Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(config);
          Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf("TEST"));
          Integer i=-17678;

          Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("rowkey"));


Phoenix Retrieval:

Select CAST(“Value”AS INTEGER) from the test;

|         TO_INTEGER(test." Value")         | 
| 2147465970                               | 

Is there something wrong here? Or the phoenix problem?


The binary representation is a 4 byte integer with the sign bit flipped (so that negative values sorts before positive values).

So convert from HBase serialization format to Phoenix format:

(-17678)10 = (11111111111111111011101011110010)2
=> (01111111111111111011101011110010)2 = (2147465970)10

Therefore, the output is as expected. When inserting data using HBase, you need to be mindful of the binary representation.

Only the CHAR and UNSIGNED_* data types can read HBase toByte directly to Phoenix. You must be suitable for local serialization for other data types. IE。 Set i = 2147465970 when you want to insert -17678.

I recommend using Phoenix to insert data. If you’re concerned about making your application dependent on dependencies, Phoenix provides a “thin” JDBC driver (4MB instead of 86MB).

If you absolutely must use HBase, you can use bitwise XOR to serialize signed numbers.

For integers, you may want to use a bitmask to XOR your i to flip the sign bits.

The bitmask applied to a 4-byte integer is:

(10000000000000000000000000000000)2 = (-2147483648)10

From we get 2147465970. If you insert it using HBase, when you read with Phoenix, you will read -17678).

You need to use different bitmasks for Bigint (which shares a bitmask with a datetime type), Smallint, Float, and Double.

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