Java – RxJava Collection() & takeUntil()

RxJava Collection() & takeUntil()… here is a solution to the problem.

RxJava Collection() & takeUntil()

I have a list of users of unknown size. What I want is to query first 30 and update the UI. Then I want to query all other users by offsetting in steps of 100 until I get the last batch of users – should I use takeUntil here? When I get – I add the remaining users by adding (combined with reduce() I believe).

Here is my code :

final int INITIAL_OFFSET = 0;
final int INITIAL_LIMIT = 30;
 Loading first 30 users to immediately update UI (better UX)
getServerApi().getAllFriends(userId, "photo_50", INITIAL_OFFSET, INITIAL_LIMIT)
         Loading remaining users 100 by 100 and updating UI after all users been loaded
        .flatMap(users -> {
            AtomicInteger newOffset = new AtomicInteger(INITIAL_LIMIT);
            return Observable.just(users)
                    .flatMap(users1 -> getServerApi().getAllFriends(userId, "photo_50", newOffset.get(), Config.DEFAULT_FRIEND_REQUEST_COUNT))
                    .collect(() -> new ArrayList<User>(), (b, s) -> {
                        newOffset.set(newOffset.get() + Config.DEFAULT_FRIEND_REQUEST_COUNT);
                    .takeUntil(friends -> friends.size() == 0);
        .subscribe(users -> getView().appendAllFriends(users),
                throwable -> getView().setError(processFail(throwable, ServerApi.Action.GET_ALL_FRIENDS), false));

But it seems like I’m doing something wrong because onNext is called every time a makeover call is made.


Answer my own questions. Adel’s answer is good, but I need a subscription (I’m using Nucleus MVP library) and I want to use collect() and takeUntil() instead of a while loop ( This requires blocking the interface approach).

It took a few hours to finally get it :

final int INITIAL_LIMIT = 30;
 Loading first 30 users to immediately update UI (better UX)
getServerApi().getAllFriends(userId, "photo_50", null, INITIAL_LIMIT)
         Updating UI 1st time or show error
        .doOnNext(users -> getView().appendAllFriends(users))
        .doOnError(throwable -> getView().setError(processFail(throwable, ServerApi.Action.GET_ALL_FRIENDS), false))
         Loading remaining users 100 by 100 and updating UI after all users been loaded
        .flatMap(users -> {
            AtomicInteger newOffset = new AtomicInteger(INITIAL_LIMIT);
            ArrayList<User> remainingUsers = new ArrayList<>();
            AtomicBoolean hasMore = new AtomicBoolean(true);
            return Observable.just(users)
                    .flatMap(users1 -> getServerApi().getAllFriends(userId, "photo_50", newOffset.get(), Config.DEFAULT_FRIEND_REQUEST_COUNT))
                    .collect(() -> remainingUsers, (b, s) -> {
                         Needed for takeUntil
                        newOffset.set(newOffset.get() + Config.DEFAULT_FRIEND_REQUEST_COUNT);
                    .takeUntil(friends -> !hasMore.get())
                     Grab all items emitted by collect()
                     Updating UI last time
                    .doOnNext(users2 -> getView().appendAllFriends(users2));

Maybe it’s useful for others who are also using Nucleus.

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