Javascript – Best practices for loading web pages using long server-side scripts

Best practices for loading web pages using long server-side scripts… here is a solution to the problem.

Best practices for loading web pages using long server-side scripts

What are the current best practices and methods for loading web pages with server-side scripts of 10 – 15 seconds.

  • The user clicks a link > server-side run > returns to the HTML page (blank
    Page dwell 10 – 15 seconds).
  • The user clicks on the link > and immediately returns to the html page (with progress
    bar) > AJAX sends a request to the server > completes the script > returns the results
  • Other options (threads?) )

I’m running the Google App Engine (Python) standard environment.


As a best practice, the script does not take 10-15 seconds.

What is your script doing? Does it generate something that you can pre-compute and cache or save in Google Cloud Storage?

If you daisy-chain data store queries together, is there anything you can do to make them happen asynchronously in tandem?

If it really takes 10-15 seconds, then I would say option 2 is a must:

User clicks a link > html page is immediately returned (with progress bar) > AJAX post request to the server side > complete script > return result to html

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