Javascript – Pass a JSON string to a Django template

Pass a JSON string to a Django template… here is a solution to the problem.

Pass a JSON string to a Django template

I’ve been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out why I can’t pass the JSON string generated by the Django model into the template’s javascript static file. It turns out that the problem is not at the model level (using serializers.serialize) – putting the same string into the script itself will parse successfully, but passing the string will not:

def texas(request):
    test_json = '{"incidents": [{"field1": 1, "field2": 2}], "debug": 1}'
    return render(request, 'tx/texas.html', {'tx': test_json})


{% load staticfiles %}

      <title>texas map</title>
        <p id='texas'></p>
            function load_texas() {
                return '{{ tx }}';
        <script src="{% static 'js/texas.js' %}"></script>

js/texas.js failed with JSON.parse: JSON data row 1, column 2 expected property name or “}”:

var json_data = load_texas();

var paragraph = document.getElementById('texas');
try {
    paragraph.innerHTML = JSON.parse(json_data);
catch(err) {
    paragraph.innerHTML = err.message;

But if you enter the same string in the script, it succeeds:

// this JSON string is identical to the one passed in
var json_data = '{"incidents": [{"field1": 1, "field2": 2}], "debug": 1}';

Am I missing the way Django handles context variables?


Not a good fix for passing strings, but I’m now passing a JSON object directly to the template, which solved my problem with importing the model into javascript initially.

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.core import serializers
import json
from .models import Tx

def texas(request):
    tx_database = Tx.objects.all()

# Django serialize puts square brackets around the string,
    # so slice them off.
    json_string = serializers.serialize('json', tx_database)[1:-1]

# Load string into JSON object... is this best practice?
    test_json = json.loads(json_string)
    return render(request, 'tx/texas.html', {'tx': test_json})


You need to disable auto-escaping.

return '{{ tx|safe }}';

Note that you really shouldn’t create JSON data as strings in View; Create it as a Python data structure and use json.dumps().

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