Python 3 encoding replaces unicode characters

Python 3 encoding replaces unicode characters … here is a solution to the problem.

Python 3 encoding replaces unicode characters

According to the documentation, the following command is performed


Should I be given the byte sequence b'Br?? ckenspinne'。 However, Unicode characters are not replaced, but encoded:


Can you tell me how I actually eliminated unicode characters? (I used replace for testing, and I plan to use ‘xmlcharrefreplace' later.) Honestly, I want to convert unicode characters to their xmlcharref, leaving everything as strings).

Thank you.


UTF-8 encoding can represent the character ü; No substitution occurred.

Use other encodings that do not represent characters. For example, ascii:

>>> 'Brückenspinne'.encode("ascii", errors='replace')

>>> 'Brückenspinne'.encode("ascii", errors='xmlcharrefreplace')
b'Brü ckenspinne'

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