Python – Compare frames in video opencv python

Compare frames in video opencv python… here is a solution to the problem.

Compare frames in video opencv python

I’ve been trying to compare videos in frames taken from videos using opencv videocapture() python!

Taking the first frame from the video, we call it

frame1, and when I save the video and get the same first frame again, we call it frame2

Comparing frames 1 and 2 returns false. When my expectations are true.

I also save the frame

as a PNG (lossless format) image and save the video and the same first frame. But they don’t match? How to get the same frame every time when processing video openCV! python


I’m guessing you save the frame as a PNG file with the date and time the file was encoded, so the file will look different if you use diff or cmp in the shell.

The solution is either to use a format that does not encode dates and times, such as PPM, or to use a tool such as ImageMagick, which lets you generate hashes for comparison, but specifically for pixel data and not metadata:

identify -format %# someImage.png

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