Python – Conda – Install tensorflow from a .whl file behind a firewall

Conda – Install tensorflow from a .whl file behind a firewall… here is a solution to the problem.

Conda – Install tensorflow from a .whl file behind a firewall

I have an Anaconda3 with Python 3.6 (Spyder) environment and tried to install tensorflow, however, due to a corporate firewall, it is not possible to install a standard pip.

Also, I can’t create an anaconda environment for the same reason. What I want to do is install tensorflow directly from the whl file (which I downloaded from the official website), using the following command:

C:\Users\me>pip install --no-deps tensorflow-1.8.0-cps36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
This results in “Require_ looks like a filename, but the file doesn’t exist” ->_ wheels are not supported on this platform.

When I try to run:
conda install --no-deps tensorflow-1.8.0-cps36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl

I get Solving environment: failed, CondaHTTPError: ... etc. – Probably due to the same firewall reasons.

Now, is there any way to install .whl without encountering firewall restrictions?

Thanks VM guys.


I’ve had some success with my company (it also doesn’t allow Anaconda package manager access to the internet).

I found this site:

There you can download wheel files for many python packages. You can then use PIP to install the wheel package locally.

pip install some-package.whl

See this answer

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