Python – How do I get the system output volume in python?

How do I get the system output volume in python?… here is a solution to the problem.

How do I get the system output volume in python?

I’m working on a project where I need to get the current system audio output level in Python. Basically, I want to know how much sound the speakers are currently emitting when using Python on a Linux system. I don’t need to know the exact volume of the speakers, I’m looking for relative volume. I haven’t found any good resources online.


tl; dr – Get an alternative answer to discrete system output volume on macOS.

After seeing your question and learning that I can’t build pyalsaaudio on macOS, I wanted to provide an additional answer to how to do it specifically on macOS because it’s not abstracted in a cross-platform way.

(I know this won’t help with your immediate use case, but I have a hunch that I’m not the only Mac user interested in this issue, interested in a solution that we can run as well.) )

On macOS, you can get the output volume by running a little AppleScript:

$ osascript -e 'get volume settings'
output volume:13, input volume:50, alert volume:17, output muted:false

I wrapped the call in a Python function to parse the volume + mute state into a simple 0-100 range:

import re
import subprocess

def get_speaker_output_volume():
    Get the current speaker output volume from 0 to 100.

Note that the speakers can have a non-zero volume but be muted, in which
    case we return 0 for simplicity.

Note: Only runs on macOS.
    cmd = "osascript -e 'get volume settings'"
    process =, stdout=subprocess. PIPE, shell=True)
    output = process.stdout.strip().decode('ascii')

pattern = re.compile(r"output volume:(\d+), input volume:(\d+), "
                         r"alert volume:(\d+), output muted:(true|false)")
    volume, _, _, muted = pattern.match(output).groups()

volume = int(volume)
    muted = (muted == 'true')

return 0 if muted else volume

For example, on a MacBook Pro with different volume bar settings:

>>> # 2/16 clicks
>>> vol = get_speaker_output_volume()
>>> print(f'Volume: {vol}%')
Volume: 13%
>>> # 2/16 clicks + muted
>>> get_speaker_output_volume()
>>> # 16/16 clicks
>>> get_speaker_output_volume()

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