Python – How to filter the latest m2m objects using QuerySet in Django

How to filter the latest m2m objects using QuerySet in Django… here is a solution to the problem.

How to filter the latest m2m objects using QuerySet in Django

I have the following model:

class Customer(SomeInheritedModel):
    name = models. CharField(max_length=50)

class Account(SomeInheritedModel):
    customer = models. ForeignKey(Customer, related_name='accounts')

class Product(SomeInheritedModel):
    name = models. CharField(max_length=50)

class License(SomeInheritedModel):
    account = models. ForeignKey(Account)
    product = models. ForeignKey(Product)
    maintenance = models. ManyToManyField('Maintenance', related_name="maintenances")

class Maintenance(SomeInheritedModel):
    start_date = models. DateTimeField(null=True)
    expiration_date = models. DateTimeField(null=True)

After the license maintenance is updated, a new Maintenance object is created. In this way, I can trace all the maintenance owned by a particular license.

Now I want to generate a report that shows me all the customers whose licenses are expiring based on their Maintenance expiration date. I only want the latest Maintenance object owned by the License because it was newly sold. I don’t want anyone else.


know I can achieve this with a QuerySet and a for loop, but it’s a bit expensive for the server because there are so many entries.

Is there a way to filter via QuerySet? Like this:

Customer.objects.filter(accounts__licenses__maintenances__expiry_date__last__range=(now().date(), one_month_into_future().date()))


know I can use __last in some cases, but if I have to specify something afterward, that won’t work.


I found the answer with @hynekcer’s advice. You can use annotations.

    .annotate(max_exp_date=models. Max('maintenances__expiration_date'))\
    .filter(max_exp_date__gte=report.start_date, max_exp_date__lte=report.end_date)\


tl; dr )

The important answer at the moment is EDIT at the end.

Yes, it is important to ignore all old related objects (maintenance), even those that are still valid, as there may be updated maintenance.

I think you simplified your real model too much to the point that it didn’t work well.
You have two chained ManyToMany relationships with anonymous (non-explicit) relational tables. This makes it impossible to write the correct set of queries.


1) You use the same name (“licenses” and “maintenances”) for the field and its related_name. This is nonsense because: docs

The name to use for the relation from the related object back to this one. It’s also the default value for related_query_name (the name to use for the reverse filter name from the target model).

It is useless to see a reverse query set maintenances on the object Maintenance. Similarly, the query set “License” regarding customer licensing. You can easily rename the related_name because it does not change the database and does not cause migration.

2) Is the License a public object or a separate object? If it is personal, then it does not need a many-to-many relationship with the Customer object. If it’s common, then you can’t track paid maintenance to individual customers through it. (You also don’t mean that two customers are co-owners of one license!) Is it? You may be referring to a common licensedProduct and a connected individual licensee to use the product. I know users can buy one maintenance for more licenses, and many-to-many is fine here.

First I fixed the model (somehow I guessed before I asked you).

class Customer(SomeInheritedModel):
    # "licenses" is the reverse query to License
    # optionally you can enable many-to-many relation to licensed products
    # lic_products = models. ManyToManyField(

class Product(models. Model):
    pass  # licensed product details

class License(SomeInheritedModel):
    customer = models. ForeignKey(Customer, related_name='licenses')
    product = models. ForeignKey(Product, related_name='+')  # used '+' because not deeded
    maintenances = models. ManyToManyField(
        through_fields=('license', 'maintenance'),

class Maintenance(SomeInheritedModel):
    start_date = DateTimeField(null=True)
    expiration_date = DateTimeField(null=True)

class LicenseMaintenance(models. Model):
    license = models. ForeignKey(License, on_delete=models. CASCADE)
    maintenance = models. ForeignKey(Maintenance, on_delete=models. CASCADE)

Querysets 🙁 can be simplified a lot by removing order_by and related fields).

remind_start =
remind_end = remind_start + datetime.timedelta(days=30)

expiring_lic_maintenances = (
    .annotate(max_exp_date=models. Max('maintenance__expiration_date'))
    .filter(max_exp_date__lte=remind_start, max_exp_date__gte=remind_end)
    .order_by('license__customer__name', 'license__customer', 'license')
)   # some small detail can be used like e.g. customer name in the example, not used later

expiring_licenses = (
        license__in=expiring_lic_maintenances.values_list('license', flat=True))
    .select_related('customer', 'product')
    .order_by('license__customer__name', 'license__customer', 'license')
)   # that queryset with subquery is executed by one SQL command


more than two SQL requests are executed by running these query sets:

# but I prefer a simple map and queryset with subquery:
expiration_map = {x.license_id: x.max_exp_date for x in expiring_lic_maintenances}

for lic in expiring_licenses:
    print("{name}, your maintenance for {lic_name} is expiring on {exp_date}".format(,,

I hope this is a new project and you don’t need to migrate for the modified model yet. I’ve written similar code so many times that I’m not verifying it now. Errors may occur and you can easily notify me enough time before the bounty ends.

Edit after question:
Aggregate functions work fine on many-to-many fields that do not explicitly join table models in the current version of Django:

>>> expiring = (
...     License.objects.values('id',
...                            'account__customer',
...                            'account__customer__name')
...     . annotate(max_exp_date=models. Max('maintenance__expiration_date'))
...     . filter(max_exp_date__gte=remind_start, max_exp_date__lte=remind_end)
... )

and look at the compiled SQL:

>>> str(expiring.query)
SELECT, app_account.customer_id,, MAX(app_maintenance.expiration_date) AS max_exp_date
    FROM app_license INNER JOIN app_account ON (app_license.account_id =
    INNER JOIN app_customer ON (app_account.customer_id =
    LEFT OUTER JOIN app_license_maintenance ON ( = app_license_maintenance.license_id)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN app_maintenance ON (app_license_maintenance.maintenance_id =
    GROUP BY, app_account.customer_id,
    HAVING (MAX(app_maintenance.expiration_date) >= 2017-04-07T13:45:35.485755 AND
            MAX(app_maintenance.expiration_date) <= 2017-03-08T13:45:35.485755

Usually this is compiled by two external connections.

If you find a more complex case where it doesn’t work or the query is slow because for some database engines tuning with outer joins is more complex, you can get the implicit model every time and run queries on it because it’s the top-level model in the relational hierarchy:

We can explore the implicit intermediate model of tables:

>>> License.maintenance.through
>>> LicenseMaintenance = License.maintenance.through
>>> LicenseMaintenance._meta.fields
(<django.db.models.fields.AutoField: id>,
 <django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey: license>,
 <django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey: maintenance>)

And use it :(all connections are automatically compiled as internal joins).

>>> expiring = (
...     LicenseMaintenance.objects.values('license',
...                                       'license__account__customer',
...                                       'license__account__customer__name')
...     . annotate(max_exp_date=models. Max('maintenance__expiration_date'))
...     . filter(max_exp_date__lte=remind_start, max_exp_date__gte=remind_end)
... )

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