Python – How to get node information for a Spark decision tree model

How to get node information for a Spark decision tree model… here is a solution to the problem.

How to get node information for a Spark decision tree model

I would like to get more details about each node of the decision tree generation model for Spark MLlib. The closest I can get using the API is print(model.toDebugString()), which returns something like this (taken from the PySpark documentation).

  DecisionTreeModel classifier of depth 1 with 3 nodes
  If (feature 0 <= 0.0)
   Predict: 0.0
  Else (feature 0 > 0.0)
   Predict: 1.0

How can I modify the MLlib source code to get, for example, impurities and depth per node? (How do I call a new Scala function in PySpark if needed?) )


I’ll try to accomplish the @mostOfMajority’s answer by describing how I used PySpark 2.4.3.

Root node

Given a well-trained decision tree model, this is how to get its root node:

def _get_root_node(tree: DecisionTreeClassificationModel):
    return tree._call_java('rootNode')


We can get impurities by traversing the tree down from the root node. Its pre-order transversal can do this:

def get_impurities(tree: DecisionTreeClassificationModel) -> List[float]:
    def recur(node):
        if node.numDescendants() == 0:
            return []
        ni = node.impurity()
        return (
            recur(node.leftChild()) + [ni] + recur(node.rightChild())
    return recur(_get_root_node(tree))


In [1]: print(tree.toDebugString)
DecisionTreeClassificationModel (uid=DecisionTreeClassifier_f90ba6dbb0fe) of depth 3 with 7 nodes
  If (feature 0 <= 6.5)
   If (feature 0 <= 3.5)
    Predict: 1.0
   Else (feature 0 > 3.5)
    If (feature 0 <= 5.0)
     Predict: 0.0
    Else (feature 0 > 5.0)
     Predict: 1.0
  Else (feature 0 > 6.5)
   Predict: 0.0

In [2]: cat.get_impurities(tree)
Out[2]: [0.4444444444444444, 0.5, 0.5]

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