Python – How to pass variadic parameters for “IN clause”

How to pass variadic parameters for “IN clause”… here is a solution to the problem.

How to pass variadic parameters for “IN clause”

I am preparing the following session.execute statement.
I have very few conditions, only one IN clause. I get the following error.
I know I made a mistake but couldn’t get it to work.
filter_site_value = ['Filter 1', 'Filter 2'].

session = get_session()
query = 'SELECT * FROM table where cv = %s AND dt > %s and dt < %s AND st IN  (%s)' % ','.join('%s' for i in filter_site_value)
data = (filter_customer_value,filter_date_start_value, filter_date_end_value, filter_site_value)
rows = session.execute(query, data)

“Error Type”

: “Type Error”,
“errorMessage”: “Insufficient format string arguments”

Please help.


There are 3 places in your string where you need to format a value (%s), you only need to provide a value: ‘,'.join('%s' for i in filter_site_value).

If you have:

x = string_to_format % values

And string_to_format contains X number of %s (or %d %r ...), then you need the X value/p> in values

See: ,

What you might want to do is:

query = 'SELECT * FROM table where cv = %s AND dt > %s and dt < %s AND st IN  ('+ ','.join(filter_site_value)+')'
data = (filter_customer_value,filter_date_start_value, filter_date_end_value)


query = 'SELECT * FROM table where cv = %s AND dt > %s and dt < %s AND st IN  ('+ ','.join(%s for i in filter_site_value)+')'
data = (filter_customer_value,filter_date_start_value, filter_date_end_value)+tuple(filter_site_value)

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