Python – Send an email with an attachment django

Send an email with an attachment django… here is a solution to the problem.

Send an email with an attachment django

I have a file URL in my database. I want to send the file as an email attachment. I tried the code below

def mail_business_plan(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    if created:
        ctx = {"ctx":instance}

from_email = ''

subject = 'Business Plan by' + instance.company_name
        message = get_template('email/business_team.html').render(ctx)
        to = ['[email protected]']
        mail = EmailMessage(subject, message, to=to, from_email=from_email)
        mail.attach_file(instance.presentation,, instance.presentation.content_type)
        return mail.send()

I get the error message “AttributeError: ‘FieldFile’ object does not have property ‘content_type'”

If the file path is stored in a database, what is the best way to send a message with an attachment.


Suppose you have a model

class MyModel(models. Model):
    # other fields
    presentation = models. FileField(upload_to='some/place/')

In your signal,

<b>import mimetypes</b>

def mail_business_plan(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    if created:
        ctx = {"ctx": instance}

from_email = ''

subject = 'Business Plan by' + instance.company_name
        message = get_template('email/business_team.html').render(ctx)
        to = ['[email protected]']
        mail = EmailMessage(subject, message, to=to, from_email=from_email)

<b>content_type = mimetypes.guess_type([0] # change is here <<<</b>
        mail.attach_file(instance.presentation,,<b> content_type) # <<< change is here also</b>

return mail.send()


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