Python – Unable to perform reduce with flexible type errors in pandas

Unable to perform reduce with flexible type errors in pandas… here is a solution to the problem.

Unable to perform reduce with flexible type errors in pandas

I have a dataset with 4 properties, for example:

  taxi id   date time   longitude   latitude
0   1   2/2/2008 15:36  116.51  39.92
1   1   2/2/2008 15:46  116.51  39.93
2   1   2/2/2008 15:56  116.51  39.91
3   1   2/2/2008 16:06  116.47  39.91
4   1   2/2/2008 16:16  116.47  39.92

The data type for each property is as follows:

taxi id    dtype('int64')
date time  dtype('O')
longitude   dtype('float64')
latitude    dtype('float64')

I want to calculate the mean and standard deviation (STD) for each attribute.

Means I’ve tried this code:


But it gives me errors like this :

TypeError: cannot perform reduce with flexible type


You can use pandas describe

           taxi   id   longitude   latitude
count  5.000000  5.0    5.000000   5.000000
mean   2.000000  1.0  116.494000  39.918000
std    1.581139  0.0    0.021909   0.008367
min    0.000000  1.0  116.470000  39.910000
25%    1.000000  1.0  116.470000  39.910000
50%    2.000000  1.0  116.510000  39.920000
75%    3.000000  1.0  116.510000  39.920000
max    4.000000  1.0  116.510000  39.930000

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