Python – What is the best way to insert a value into the “proper” position in a Pandas dataframe with some (index) parameter?

What is the best way to insert a value into the “proper” position in a Pandas dataframe with some (index) parameter?… here is a solution to the problem.

What is the best way to insert a value into the “proper” position in a Pandas dataframe with some (index) parameter?

I have a data frame, df, as shown below:

Word    Row ID  Remark
abc     1       xyz
def     2       xyz
ghi     4       uvw
jkl     5       qrs
mno     7       wxy

The missing value is in another data frame, df1:

Word    Row ID  Remark
pqr     3       uuu
stu     6       vvv

I want to insert the missing values in df1 into their proper places in df1, so this is the desired output:

Word    Row ID  Remark
abc     1       xyz
def     2       xyz
pqr     3       uuu
ghi     4       uvw
jkl     5       qrs
stu     6       vvv
mno     7       wxy

My code is as follows:

for i in range(len(df1)):        # run through each of the missing values
    if df2['Row ID'][i] not in range(min(df['Row ID']), df2['Row ID'][i]):
        df.loc[-1] = df2.loc[i]  # adding a row with -1 index
        df.index += 1            # shifting index so that it does not overwrite the current value in that position

df = df.sort_values('Row ID')

But I don’t think it’s the most efficient way because:

  1. There is a for loop. I think there has to be a vectorized way to do this.
  2. There is a sort operation at the end of the for loop. I think if there was a vectorized way, it would merge the sorting into the step itself, rather than in a separate step.


With searchsorted, I personally think that concat+sort_values can also solve the problem.

df1.index=np.searchsorted(df. RowID.values,df1. RowID.values)
  Word  RowID Remark
0  abc      1    xyz
1  def      2    xyz
2  pqr      3    uuu
2  ghi      4    uvw
3  jkl      5    qrs
4  stu      6    vvv
4  mno      7    wxy

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