Python – Widget right-click to pop up the error location

Widget right-click to pop up the error location… here is a solution to the problem.

Widget right-click to pop up the error location

I added a right-click action to the widget embedded in the QTableWidget. When I right-click, QMenu appears in the wrong place. Here is my code :

I added widgets to QTableWidget:

        tableWidget = self._dlg.tableWidget
        variableLabel = QLabel()
        tableWidget.setCellWidget(row, 0, variableLabel)

The menu is shown here:

def showMenu(self, pos):
    print("pos", str(pos))
    menu = QMenu()
    applyAction = menu.addAction("Tümüne Uygula")
    action = menu.exec_(self._dlg.mapToGlobal(pos))
    if action == applyAction:

Finally, here is my result, when I click on the colored cell (QLabel), the menu appears below:

enter image description here


customContextMenuRequested is sent relative to the widget that emits it, in your case to QLabel, assuming showMenu() belongs to any widget, we can use the sender() method to get it.

def showMenu(self, pos):
    menu = QMenu()
    applyAction = menu.addAction("Tümüne Uygula")
    action = menu.exec_(self.sender().mapToGlobal(pos))
    if action == applyAction:

If showMenu() does not belong to a widget, it must explicitly pass the tag using functools.part

from functools import partial


tableWidget = self._dlg.tableWidget
        variableLabel = QLabel()
        variableLabel.customContextMenuRequested.connect(partial(self.showMenu, variableLabel))
        tableWidget.setCellWidget(row, 0, variableLabel)


def showMenu(self, label, pos):
    menu = QMenu()
    applyAction = menu.addAction("Tümüne Uygula")
    action = menu.exec_(label.mapToGlobal(pos))
    if action == applyAction:

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