Python3 – Attached to an array row that does not contain certain words

Attached to an array row that does not contain certain words… here is a solution to the problem.

Attached to an array row that does not contain certain words

I’m trying to create a list of rows that doesn’t contain 3 specific words.

word_list = ['Banned', 'On_Hold', 'Reviewing']
unknown_row = []

with open('UserFile.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
    user_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t')
    for row in user_reader:
        joined = ','.join(row)
        for i in word_list:
            if i in joined:

with open('unkown.csv', 'w', newline='') as output:
    writer = csv.writer(output, delimiter=',')
    writer.writerows(x.split(',') for x in unknown_row)

Here’s the thing, if only one word is included in the word_list, then it works. But if I include two or more words, not .

Any ideas?



There is a problem with your code:

for i in word_list:
    if i in joined:

Now, if a word in word_list isn’t found in joined, it continues to loop, so it still adds lines unless all find words from word_list in that line (this won’t stop your code from dealing with the single “bad word” you come across). Conversely, if you find any word from word_list in the line, you want to short-circuit the loop to break.

You can use any:: here

if not any(i in joined for i in word_list):

That way, if a single word in word_list is found in joined, the line is not added.

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