DnD 5e Elf

Elves are a magical people with a transcendent elegance. They live in the present, but they are not quite of this world. They live in places of extraordinary beauty: in the heart of ancient forests or beneath silver spires that shine with the light of fairies. In their homes, soft music flowed through the air and delicate fragrances wafted from the streams. The elves loved nature and magic, art and craft, poetry and music, and all that was good in the world.

Slender and Graceful

Djinn are considered by humans and many other races to be breathtakingly beautiful due to their transcendent elegance and delicate faces. Their average height is slightly shorter than humans, ranging from about 5 to 6 feet. They are slimmer than humans, weighing only between 100 and 145 pounds. There is little difference in height between male and female elves, and males are only slightly heavier than females.

Elves have a wide range of skin tones common to humans, including bronze, red bronze, and even celadon. They have green or blue hair, and golden or silver eyes that are as clear as pond water. Elves do not have beards, and their body hair is sparse. They prefer elegant, brightly colored clothing, as well as simple, lovely jewelry.

A Timeless Perspective

Elves can live for more than 700 years, so they see many things in a detached light, and similar events can deeply plague short-lived races. They are often pleasant but not often exciting, prone to curiosity but not to greed. They tend to remain aloof and relaxed even when confronted with the most random of events. However, when an elf is dedicated to a goal – such as trying to complete an adventure, learning a new skill or technique – they can also become focused and demanding. Elves are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget friends or enemies. They respond to the slightest offense with contempt, and to serious insults with ruthless vengeance.

Elves are as pliable and flexible in the face of danger as young twigs. Rather than resort to violence, elves prefer to resolve disputes through diplomacy and compromise. The history of incursions into their territories includes cases where the elves withdrew into the depths of the forest and waited for the invaders to leave on their own. But when they do, the elves will reveal their strictly militaristic side and show the world their mastery of swords, bows and tactical strategies.

Hidden Woodland Realms

Elves mostly live in seclusion in small villages in the forest. They hunt wild beasts, gather food, and grow vegetables, relying only on their skill and magic to be self-sufficient instead of hard work to cultivate the land. Elves are natural artists, capable of crafting fine clothing and art. Interaction between elves and the outside world is fairly limited, but some elves do trade metals with the outside world in elven products (elves have absolutely no interest in mining work) and make a good living as a result.

Elves encountered outside of elven territory are usually traveling singers, artists, or wise men. Human nobles often cause rivalries among themselves over an elven governess to teach their children swordsmanship and magic.

Exploration and Adventure

Elves are often driven by the desire to travel and set out on adventures. Due to their long lifespans, they can often enjoy centuries-long adventures. Elves do not like the ever-changing pace of human society. So elves often seek jobs where they can travel at will and live at their own pace. Elves also enjoy practicing their martial arts or refining their magic, and an adventurous life can be just as satisfying. Some elves may join and fight against powerful forces, or become so-called moral guardians, fighting for morality.

Elf Names

Elves usually declare themselves of age after their 100th birthday and choose a name for themselves. Until then, the elf is considered a child and is referred to by his or her nickname.

After declaring himself of age, the elf will choose a formal name for himself. But even those who know he is an adult may continue to call him by his previous young name, and he himself may not mind. An adult elf’s name is entirely his own creation, though it may reflect some of his favorite names, or those of his family. There is little variation in elven names between male and female elves, and the groupings below indicate only a general preference. Elves also have family names, which are usually a combination of common elf words. Some elves will translate the surname into common language when they travel, while others retain the usage of the elven language.

Haughty but Gracious

Elves are generally kind to people, while often displaying arrogant postures. However, even when faced with situations that fall far short of their expectations (mostly from non-Elves), they don’t forget to be gracious and polite. Fortunately they can always find the good in others.

Dwarves. “Dwarves are dull dull reckless people. But they are full of courage, which means they just have a bad sense of humor, are not worldly enough and are not polite. And it must be admitted that their best blacksmiths produce art that’s almost up to elven quality standards.”

Halflings. “Halflings are a simple and happy people, and that trait should not be despised. They’re good people, and they take care of each other and garden, and they also prove themselves to be far more stubborn than they look when necessary.”

Humans. “Humans are always in a hurry. They are ambitious and always trying to accomplish something in their short lives. Those undertakings of humans seem so puerile, but sometimes in the blink of an eye they shock you with their accomplishments. It would just be best if they would settle down and learn a little more elegance.”

Elf Traits

Your elven character has a variety of natural abilities that are a reflection of the elven millennia of hardening.

Ability Score Increase. your Agility plus 2.

Age. although elves mature physically at about the same rate as humans, adult elves must have mature experience in the world in addition to physical maturity. Generally speaking, elves are declared adults around the age of 100 and can live up to 750 years.

Alignment. elves love freedom and colorful living, and they have a strong desire to express themselves, which can lead to a strong inclination towards the chaos camp. They respect the freedom of others, and sometimes even empathize with their situation and stand up for it. Elves will lean more towards the good camp, with Zoll elves being the exception to the rule. As exiles, draugr appear sinister and dangerous, and are usually more likely to be evil.

Size.Some elves are under 5 feet tall, while others are even over 6 feet tall. They are slender and of medium size.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Elves are well adapted to seeing in dark forests and under night skies. You have exceptional vision in darkness and low light illumination. In low light, a 60-foot radius around you can be considered the equivalent of bright light. In darkness, that range can be considered the equivalent of low light. You can’t distinguish colors in the dark, you can only see black and white images with grayscale.

Keen Senses. you have the perception skill proficiency item.

Fey Ancestry. You have the advantage of immunity against Charm and do not fall asleep due to magical effects.

Trance. elves don’t need sleep. They can fall into a deep, semi-conscious meditation for 4 hours when they need to rest (the common term for this state is “Trance”). While meditating, the spirits also have dreams, which are actually mental activities that reflect years of real life. After resting in this way, you get the full benefit of 8 hours of human sleep.

Language. You can speak, read and write both Universal and Elvish. Elvish is fluid, with subtle tone changes and complex grammatical structures. Elven literature is very colorful, and their poetry is highly valued by other races as well. Many bards learn Elvish and use its rhythms in their own poetry.

Subrace. The ancient separation of the elven races has allowed today’s elves to be divided into three subspecies: high elves, wood elves, and dark elves, commonly referred to as zoll drow. In some world settings, these subspecies are further subdivided (such as sun elves sun elves and moon elves moon elves in the Forgotten Realms setting). Thus, you are also free to choose one of these further subspecies at will.

High Elf

As a High Elf, you have a sharp mind and are more or less well-versed in magic. In many D&D worlds, there are 2 types of High Elves. One type is arrogant and withdrawn, convinced that their pack is far superior to other races, even more so than other elves (including gray elves and valley elves, Silvanesti of the Dragonlance, and sun elves of the Forgotten Realms). The other is much more common and friendly, and is often found in groups of humans or other races (including high elves, Qualinesti of the Dragonlance, and moon elves of the Forgotten Realms).

Feren’s day elves (also known as gold elves or sunrise elves) may grow bronze skin, and auburn, black, or blond hair. The eyes are gold, silver or black. The moon elves (also called silver elves or gray elves) are paler in complexion, and they have alabaster white, smooth skin, sometimes with a slight blue tint. Their hair is usually silvery white, black or blue, but blond, brown or red is not uncommon. Their eyes are blue or green, with a touch of gold in them.

Ability Score Increase. your Intelligence plus 1.

Elf Weapon Training. You have a proficiency item for Longsword, Short Sword, Shortbow, and Longbow.

Cantrip. You master a juggler spell of your choice from a list of mage spells. The key attribute of the spell is Intelligence.

Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write an extra language of your choice.

Wood Elf

As a wood elf, you possess keen senses and intuition. You are light on your feet and can move quickly and stealthily through familiar forests. This classification includes wild elves (grugach), Kagonesti of the Dragon Lance, and wood elves found in both the Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk.In Feren, wood elves (also called wild elves, green elves, or forest elves) are outliers and do not trust non-elf races.

Wood elves generally have a reddish bronze complexion, sometimes with a green tinge. Their hair color is generally somewhere between brown and black, but occasionally appears golden or russet. Their eyes, on the other hand, are green, brown, or hazel.

Ability Score Increase. your Perception plus 1.

Elf Weapon Training. You have a proficiency in longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.

Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed is increased to 35 feet.

Mask of Wild. You can attempt to perform a hide when you get light cover from bushes, rain, snow, fog, or other natural phenomena.

The Darkness of the Drow

In the multiverse, the Zoll clan is hated by all without exception. To most, they are a group of murderers who live deep in the dark regions and worship demons. The Zolls would emerge during the darkest hours of the day and proceed to rob and slaughter the surface dwellers they despised. Their communities are manipulated and corrupted by the spider goddess Rose, at whose behest Zollars may assassinate or even exterminate entire families in order to advance their own family’s nobility.

However, there is one Zoll who has broken this stereotype. In the world of the Forgotten Realms, Drizzt Do’urden proved his good character by becoming a Northland forest ranger who stood up for the weak and the innocent. He rejected his heritage of a clan and wandered a world that viewed him with fear and dislike. Tristan serves as a role model leading the few Zoll who follow in his footsteps to find a life that is very different from the evil homeland of his dark region.

The Zoll grew up being taught that all surface races were inferior and worthless except as slaves. Deeply ingrained in their education and the fact that they were hated by each other for years made it difficult for those individual Zoll who found it in their conscience or felt the need to cooperate with other races to overcome the effects of this prejudice.

Dark Elf(Drow)

Zoll inherited from an early subspecies of dark-skinned elves who were banished from the surface world for following the goddess Rose on her path of evil and corruption. To this day, they have built their own civilization in the depths of the dark regions, though it must all follow the will of the goddess Rose. Also known as Dark Elves, Zollars have polished obsidian black skin, as well as pale or yellow-white hair. Their pupils are very light in color (so much so that they are often mistaken for white) and have a pale purple, silver, pink, red, or white hue. They are also usually thinner in stature than other elves.

Zoll adventurers are extremely rare, and the race is not spread all over the world. As such, you must be confirmed by the DM before choosing to play as a Zoll.

Ability Score Increase. add 1 to your Charisma.

Superior Darkvision. Your range of darkvision is increased to 120 feet.

Sunlight Sensitivity. When you make an attack check or a vision-dependent perception check, you have a disadvantage if you, your target, or whatever you’re trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

Drow Magic. you master dancing light. at 3rd level, you may use the spell faerie fire once a day. at 5th level, you may use the spell darkness once a day. the key attribute of these once-per-day spells is Charisma. The key attribute of these once-per-day spells is Charisma. You must take a long rest to cast these spells again with that attribute.

Drow Weapon Training. you have proficiency with bayonets, short swords, and crossbows.