C++ – Use the Eclipse C++ CDT in Linux

Use the Eclipse C++ CDT in Linux… here is a solution to the problem.

Use the Eclipse C++ CDT in Linux

I want to use Eclipse on Linux to develop C++ projects. In particular, I want to use Eclipse CDT to modify stable and widely used open source projects. One of them is Intel Opencv. There are tutorials for creating a simple C++ project as follows:

I’ve seen a lot of tutorials on writing programs using the Eclipse CDT
OpenCv likes it here:

But me
You want to use Eclipse to make changes to the OpenCv platform itself and compile them
From there. I really like many of Eclipse’s features, such as:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Outline
  • Code assistance
  • Code templates
  • Code history
  • And so on

Someone will write one
A short tutorial on how to create a project in Eclipse from OpenCv tarball? I use Eclipse CDT on Linux.

Does Eclipse CDT recognize makefiles the same way it recognizes Ant scripts?


I use cmake Creating experience for OpenCV is the way to go. You can decompress the cmake source code and compile it with cmake. Even after your change. There are tools to integrate cmake into eclipse, but I find them unstable or not very mature, so I use cmake from the terminal to compile and eclipse to edit the source files.

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