Java – Is it possible to block the UI thread when displaying an alert dialog

Is it possible to block the UI thread when displaying an alert dialog… here is a solution to the problem.

Is it possible to block the UI thread when displaying an alert dialog

I have this method, which basically waits for the items in the singleton queue to become empty, there is a running background service that stops once it deletes all the items in the queue and processes them one by one. This code runs in the main thread, what happens if I call wait here? Does the alert dialog still appear and prevent the user from performing any other action?

void waitForService() {
    if(answersQueue.getCount(objInterviewQuestion.getQid()) <= 0){
    if(!answersQueue.isInterviewUploadServiceRunning()) {
    AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
    AlertDialog waitForServiceDialog = builder.create();;
    while (answersQueue.getCount(objInterviewQuestion.getQid()) > 0) {
         do nothing and keep loop running till answersQueue is empty


You should never block the UI thread. When you hold the UI thread for too long, a dialog box appears that says XXX is not responding and asks the user to terminate your application.

Instead, you

should use callback-style calls, and when the service starts, you receive a method call from the callback to close the dialog box.


As mentioned earlier, you need to implement BroadcastReceiver

This is a demo project that you can use as an example of how to create and use BroadcastReceiver.

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