Java – OSMdroid could not find the class GeoPoint

OSMdroid could not find the class GeoPoint… here is a solution to the problem.

OSMdroid could not find the class GeoPoint

I’ve been creating my own osmdroid apk from svn and I’ve checked out. Use this method: I’ve been able to create a jar file from Osmdroid and include it in my Android app. The problem is, when my app starts, I get a warning.

09-21 16:09:08.465: E/dalvikvm(23563): Could not find class ‘org.osmdroid.util.GeoPoint’, referenced from method

09-21 16:09:08.470: W/dalvikvm(23563): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lorg/osmdroid/util/BoundingBoxE6;)

09-21 16:09:08.470: I/dalvikvm(23563): Could not find method org.osmdroid.util.BoundingBoxE6.getLatSouthE6, referenced from method

09-21 16:09:08.470: W/dalvikvm(23563): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 10324: Lorg/osmdroid/util/BoundingBoxE6;.getLatSouthE6 ()I

What am I doing wrong? Other methods seem to be accepted, only these are not accepted. Your help will be greatly appreciated



This looks like a link issue.

You must ensure that your jar file is correctly copied to the /lib directory of the project and added to the build path.

If you are using Eclipse/ADT, you should upgrade to the latest version (Juno, released on June 24, 2014, when I was writing this). Once the jar file is under /lib, it automatically handles the link.

If your app is confused, this could also be a ProGuard issue. In this case, please let me know, there is already an SO question about this.

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