Java – Conditional Dependency Injection (Inject)

Conditional Dependency Injection (Inject)… here is a solution to the problem.

Conditional Dependency Injection (Inject)

My Controller:

public class MyController {
   MyServiceInterface service;

   void myControllerFunc(@PathVariable String source, @RequestBody MyObject obj) {
       Object myServiceObj = service.myServiceFunc(param);

My service interface:

public interface MyServiceInterface {

Object myServiceFunc(String param);


My service implementation:

public class MyServiceOne {

Object myServiceFunc(String param) {


public class MyServiceTwo {

void myServiceFunc(String param) {


My spring-boot version: 1.5.7

I want to inject the service based on my path variable (“source”). If source = one, inject MyServiceOne, and if source = two, inject MyServiceTwo.

Is this possible?


It sounds like you need both to be available, and each method call on the Controller can choose a different method. So connect the two implementations and distinguish them with a qualifier. Use a path variable in the Controller method to programmatically decide which service to call.

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