Java – How do I print an application version early in Spring Boot’s logs?

How do I print an application version early in Spring Boot’s logs?… here is a solution to the problem.

How do I print an application version early in Spring Boot’s logs?

I tried to print my version of my application as early as possible in the log before any of my other code had a chance to execute, so that if an error occurs, that version is included in the log file.

public class Application {
    public static void main( String... args ) {
        var ctx = Application.class, args );
        ctx.getBeanProvider( BuildProperties.class ).ifAvailable( bp -> {
            LogManager.getLogger( Application.class ).info( bp.getArtifact() );
        } );

But the block in ifAvailable is not executed, and I want to print the version in particular.

Note: This is done at build.gradle.kts

springBoot {
    buildInfo() // generates BOOT-INF/classes/META-INF/

Update failed, there is no such bean….

public class Application {
    public static void main( String... args ) { Application.class, args );

    CommandLineRunner runner( BuildProperties bp ) {
        return args -> LogManager.getLogger( Application.class ).info( bp.getArtifact() );

Update 2: It doesn’t have to be after the banner, but it has to be early enough for it to print before any validations/errors in the custom code.


Let’s say you’re installing a jar (otherwise you need to make some modifications).

tasks.withType<BootJar>().configureEach {
    enabled = true
    manifest {
            "Implementation-Title" to project.description,
            "Implementation-Version" to project.version

Then customize your banner.txt ; For example

${application.title} ${application.version}

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