Java – Is it possible to set an Android notification or a date and time to trigger later when the application is not running?

Is it possible to set an Android notification or a date and time to trigger later when the application is not running?… here is a solution to the problem.

Is it possible to set an Android notification or a date and time to trigger later when the application is not running?

From what I’ve read, it seems like code like this needs the application to run in a thread until the notification is triggered. I need the notification to fire at a later date and time so that the user sees the notification like any other notification, then click on it and open an activity that passes some data so the app knows what to do.

How do I get this notification to trigger after a few days when the app isn’t running all the time?

Do I use wait to do this?

long millis = 60000;

Here is my code and it fires immediately

NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder =
new NotificationCompat.Builder(getActivity())
.setContentTitle("How was " + me.getString("EventTitle") + "?")
.setContentText("Click here to leave your review");

Intent resultIntent = new Intent(getActivity(), SetupActivity.class);

PendingIntent resultPendingIntent =


int mNotificationId = me.getInt("EventID");
     Gets an instance of the NotificationManager service
    NotificationManager mNotifyMgr = 
            (NotificationManager) getActivity().getSystemService(getActivity(). NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

 Builds the notification and issues it.


As A-C writes, use AlarmManager to schedule a PendingIntent to be called at the time you want. You might use RTC_WAKEUP alarm, meaning “Time based on System.currentTimeMillis(), just like Calendar uses” and “Let’s wake up and take the device out of sleep mode.” With broadcast PendingIntent, your Notification code can go into the onReceive() method if you don’t need to do any disk or network I/O to get the information used for the Notification itself.

Note that in Android 4.4, the rules of AlarmManager have changed a bit. You need to use setExact() on Android 4.4+ and set() on earlier Android versions.

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