Java – What is the difference between Intent Extra and Intent Data?

What is the difference between Intent Extra and Intent Data?… here is a solution to the problem.

What is the difference between Intent Extra and Intent Data?

I see that any intent has an extra field and a data field.

What is the difference between them or is it just a conceptual difference?




URI (Uri object) that references the data to be manipulated and/or the MIME type of that data. The type of data provided is typically determined by the action of the intent. For example, if the action is ACTION_EDIT, the data should contain the URI of the document to be edited.

The data returns a URI


Key-value pairs that carry additional information needed to complete the requested operation. Just as some operations use specific types of data URIs, some operations use specific additions.

Extras contains a bundle, which is an implementation of a HashMap that stores key values for specific data.

Additional return pack

For more information about intent extra and data, see this URL

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