Python – How do I set the program .exe as the default browser for Windows 10?

How do I set the program .exe as the default browser for Windows 10?… here is a solution to the problem.

How do I set the program .exe as the default browser for Windows 10?

I need to set my program.exe as the default browser in Windows 10.
I can’t find a way on how to do this. Even with regedit.

Please give some suggestions on how to do this?



I’m assuming you register yourself as the default handler for HTTP and HTTPS progids? This will solve all problems before Windows Vista.

You should also register yourself as default program, but as in “become the default browser.” section, this only displays notifications on newer versions of Windows.

File type and URI association modelchanged in Windows 8 :

Apps are no longer able to programmatically set themselves as the default handler for a file type or URI. Instead, now the user always controls what the default handler is for a file type or URI scheme.

In Windows Vista through Windows 8, you can call > IApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI::LaunchAdvancedAssociationUI and let the user select your application as the default application. In Windows 10, even this API is limited by simply telling the user to manually follow the steps in the Settings app.

If you do not register an application for a particular type, you become the default type, but this is never the case for browsers.

Windows 10 changes are: announced here .

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