python MySQLdb : use ssl without certificate

python MySQLdb : use ssl without certificate … here is a solution to the problem.

python MySQLdb : use ssl without certificate

I have a mysql server running on AWS that requires authentication over SSL (but no user certificates).

What I tried :

SequelPro (GUI) allows you to connect without a certificate:
enter image description here

It also works when using mysqlconnector with empty SSL parameters: ‘ssl_ca’: ‘'. Unfortunately, MySQLdb does not.

I tried (using a connection string).


conn = sqlalchemy.create_engine(
    connect_args={'ssl':{'ca': ''}})
pd.read_sql_query('select id from mytable limit 1', conn)


conn = sqlalchemy.create_engine(
    # the following is used to enforce mysqlconnector usage
    con_str.replace("mysql:", "mysql+mysqlconnector:"),
pd.read_sql_query('select id from mytable limit 1', conn)

The second one works fine, the first one doesn’t. Of course, I also tried using the bare connectors (MySQLdb.connect() and mysql.connector.connect()) and got the same behavior and couldn’t put MySQLdb to work.


Can you give me some tips on how to use SSL in MySQLdb without a certificate (and key)?

More background:

We switched from another provider to AWS, so unfortunately we no longer use ssh as before, now we use SSL. And I don’t manage the database, so I can’t implement it with a user certificate, I’m just forced to use SSL without any certificates.

A colleague explained that from a security point of view, this is okay because the server sends a certificate. We believe that he is the one that belongs to the corresponding URL because we believe in the CA.


It may not work in your case, but I also want to do that in pymysql, which seems to pass a dictionary containing any key works :

connect_args={'ssl': {'key': 'whatever'}}

But then I found out that mysql-connector-python tries SSL even without any parameters. I changed careers for another reason.

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