Python – Pandas copies df rows based on the number of days column

Pandas copies df rows based on the number of days column… here is a solution to the problem.

Pandas copies df rows based on the number of days column

I have the following DFs.

DF quantity

| hold_date  | day_count | qty  |   item   | ccy |
| 2015-01-01 |         1 | 1200 | CB04 box | USD |
| 2015-01-01 |         3 | 1500 | AB01 box | USD |
| 2015-01-02 |         2 |  550 | CB03 box | USD |

I want to increment hold_date based on day_count. For example, item : AB01 box will add the following two lines. So df might look like this.

DF quantity

| hold_date  | qty  |   item   | ccy |
| 2015-01-01 | 1200 | CB04 box | USD |
| 2015-01-01 | 1500 | AB01 box | USD |
| 2015-01-02 | 1500 | AB01 box | USD |
| 2015-01-03 | 1500 | AB01 box | USD |
| 2015-01-02 |  550 | CB03 box | USD |
| 2015-01-03 |  550 | CB03 box | USD |



s1=[pd. Timedelta(x,'D') for x in sum(df.day_count.apply(lambda x : list(range(x))),[])]
   hold_date  day_count   qty     item  ccy
0 2015-01-01          1  1200  CB04box  USD
1 2015-01-01          3  1500  AB01box  USD
1 2015-01-02          3  1500  AB01box  USD
1 2015-01-03          3  1500  AB01box  USD
2 2015-01-02          2   550  CB03box  USD
2 2015-01-03          2   550  CB03box  USD

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