Python – Serializes and deserializes objects in user-defined classes

Serializes and deserializes objects in user-defined classes… here is a solution to the problem.

Serializes and deserializes objects in user-defined classes

Let’s say I have a class hierarchy like this:

class SerializableWidget(object):
# some code

class WidgetA(SerilizableWidget):
# some code

class WidgetB(SerilizableWidget):
# some code

I want to be able to serialize instances of WidgetA and WidgetB (and possibly other widgets) into json text files. Then, I want to be able to deserialize them without knowing their exact class in advance :

some_widget = deserielize_from_file(file_path) # pseudocode, doesn't have to be exactly a method like this

And some_widget need to be constructed from the exact subclass of the SerilizableWidget. What should I do about it? What methods exactly do I need to override/implement in each class of the hierarchy?

Suppose all the fields of the above class are primitive types. How do I override some __to_json__ and __from_json__ methods, and so on?


There are many ways you can solve this problem. An example is using object_hook and default parameters to json.load and json.dump, respectively.

You just need to store the class with the serialized version of the object, and then you have to use the mapping of which class corresponds to which name when loading.

The following example uses a dispatcher class decorator to store class names and objects at serialization time and look them up when deserializing. You just need to use the _as_dict method on each class to convert the data to a dictionary:

import json

class Parent(object):
    def __init__(self, name): = name

def _as_dict(self):
        return {'name':}

class Child1(Parent):
    def __init__(self, name, n=0):
        self.n = n

def _as_dict(self):
        d = super()._as_dict()
        d['n'] = self.n
        return d

class Child2(Parent):
    def __init__(self, name, k='ok'):
        self.k = k

def _as_dict(self):
        d = super()._as_dict()
        d['k'] = self.k
        return d

Test now. First, let’s create a list with 3 different types of objects.

>>> obj = [Parent('foo'), Child1('bar', 15), Child2('baz', 'works')]

Serializing it produces data with the class name in each object:

>>> s = json.dumps(obj, default=dispatcher.encoder_default)
>>> print(s)
  {"__class__": "Parent", "name": "foo"},
  {"__class__": "Child1", "name": "bar", "n": 15},
  {"__class__": "Child2", "name": "baz", "k": "works"}

And load it back to generate the correct object:

obj2 = json.loads(s, object_hook=dispatcher.decoder_hook)
  <__main__. Parent object at 0x7fb6cd561cf8>, 
  <__main__. Child1 object at 0x7fb6cd561d68>,
  <__main__. Child2 object at 0x7fb6cd561e10>

Finally, this is the dispatcher's implementation:

class _Dispatcher:
    def __init__(self, classname_key='__class__'):
        self._key = classname_key
        self._classes = {} # to keep a reference to the classes used

def __call__(self, class_): # decorate a class
        self._classes[class_.__name__] = class_
        return class_

def decoder_hook(self, d):
        classname = d.pop(self._key, None)
        if classname:
            return self._classes[classname](**d)
        return d

def encoder_default(self, obj):
        d = obj._as_dict()
        d[self._key] = type(obj).__name__
        return d
dispatcher = _Dispatcher()

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