Java – Android Architecture Blueprints “todo-mvp-dagger”, where is @Provides for TasksRepository?

Android Architecture Blueprints “todo-mvp-dagger”, where is @Provides for TasksRepository?… here is a solution to the problem.

Android Architecture Blueprints “todo-mvp-dagger”, where is @Provides for TasksRepository?

Check out the Android architecture blueprint “todo-mvp-dagger” here: .

I’m trying to understand the implementation of Dagger2, but I can’t seem to figure out how they get Dagger2 to provide a TasksRepository.

They have @Provides for “provideTasksLocalDataSource” and “provideTasksRemoteDataSource”, but where is the actual TaskRepository?

In the TodoApplication class, they have this:

TasksRepository tasksRepository;

How does it inject it anywhere without @Provides?

I get this error if I try to use the same method in my own application:

cannot be provided without an @Provides- or @Produces-annotated method

So I looked around at the Blueprint code, but I couldn’t see how they did it themselves. Are there some tricks to keep them free of @Provides? It will definitely build, so they have somehow bypassed it.

Someone has asked the same question on an actual github page, but there is no answer at the time of writing. .

I’m working on the latest commit, and at the time of writing it is “082bd72d62472f9caadd2979046067fb928bbfef”.


In the repository you mentioned, Dagger 2 knows how to inject TasksRepository through constructors marked with @Inject. From source :

TasksRepository(@Remote TasksDataSource tasksRemoteDataSource,
        @Local TasksDataSource tasksLocalDataSource) {
    mTasksRemoteDataSource = tasksRemoteDataSource;
    mTasksLocalDataSource = tasksLocalDataSource;

Since the constructor is annotated as @Inject, Dagger 2 will attempt to inject TasksRepository with constructors like TodoApplication

Since TasksDataSource has been binded, there is enough information in the TasksRepositoryModule for Dagger 2 to perform an injection without the additional burden of @Provides or @Binds methods.

Similarly, you can do the following:

class Foo {

private final Bar bar;

   Foo(Bar bar) { = bar;

class Bar {

    Bar() {}

class Activity extends AppCompatActivity {

@Inject Foo foo;


And Dagger 2 will be able to inject into Foo AppCompatActivity.Why?

  1. Dagger 2 knows how to build a Bar object (by calling an empty constructor).
  2. Dagger 2 creates an instance of Foo knowing that it must use a single parameter Bar. using a constructor annotated as @Inject
  3. Foo has no other dependencies, in other words, a complete object graph is available.

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