Python – Sorts the pandas data frame based on two similar columns, but if the other column has a value, one of the columns will be NaN

Sorts the pandas data frame based on two similar columns, but if the other column has a value, one of the columns will be NaN… here is a solution to the problem.

Sorts the pandas data frame based on two similar columns, but if the other column has a value, one of the columns will be NaN

I have a merged df which has 2 experiment IDs – experiment_a and experiment_b

They are in the universal nomenclature EXPT_YEAR_NUM, but some have added value and do not have a year and no other. In this df, there is a value in experiment_a, experiment_b = NaN and vice versa.


experiment_a    experiment_b
EXPT_2011_06     NaN
NaN              EXPT_2011_07

How can I sort so that the ascending values of experiment_a and _b are together, rather than ascending in experiment_a and _b has all NaN values, and then ascending with experiment_b when experiment_a has NaN values?

This is what happens when I use sort_values:

df = df.sort_values(['experiment_a', 'experiment_b'])

It obviously just sorts _a first and then _b.


I believe you need to < a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">fillna for series, then get the index of the value sorted by >argsort and finally select iloc – the output is a sequenced column:

print (df)
   experiment_a  experiment_b
0  EXPT_2011_06           NaN
1  EXPT_2010_06           NaN
2           NaN  EXPT_2011_07

df = df.iloc[df['experiment_a'].fillna(df['experiment_b']).argsort()]
print (df)
   experiment_a  experiment_b
1  EXPT_2010_06           NaN
0  EXPT_2011_06           NaN
2           NaN  EXPT_2011_07


print (df['experiment_a'].fillna(df['experiment_b']))
0    EXPT_2011_06
1    EXPT_2010_06
2    EXPT_2011_07
Name: experiment_a, dtype: object

print (df['experiment_a'].fillna(df['experiment_b']).argsort())
0    1
1    0
2    2
Name: experiment_a, dtype: int64

I’ve tested more solutions and performance is a bit better with np.where, but it mostly depends on the data:

print (df)
   experiment_a  experiment_b
0  EXPT_2011_03           NaN
1           NaN  EXPT_2009_08
2           NaN  EXPT_2010_06
3  EXPT_2010_07           NaN
4           NaN  EXPT_2011_07

#[500000 rows x 2 columns]
df = pd.concat([df] * 100000, ignore_index=True)

In [41]: %timeit (df.iloc[(np.where(df['experiment_a'].isnull(), df['experiment_b'], df['experiment_a'])).argsort()])
1 loop, best of 3: 318 ms per loop

In [42]: %timeit (df.iloc[df['experiment_a'].fillna(df['experiment_b']).argsort()])
1 loop, best of 3: 335 ms per loop

In [43]: %timeit (df.iloc[df['experiment_a'].combine_first(df['experiment_b']).argsort()])
1 loop, best of 3: 333 ms per loop

In [44]: %timeit (df.iloc[df.experiment_a.where(df.experiment_a.notnull(), df.experiment_b).argsort()])
1 loop, best of 3: 342 ms per loop

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